Brother Plainview (by @ The Aftermath Bar)

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Brother Plainview

Starting out in 2018 as friends-of-friends brought together by a love of indie alt-rock, the four members of Brother Plainview epitomise the charm of Hong Kong: local and international side by side. The band wasted no time recording and releasing their debut EP "Reunion Cycle"
and debut MV, which heavily features their HK influences. They look to follow last year up with a second EP and more live shows. They will drink your milkshake.

『平菲』兄弟都係朋友互相介紹相識。四位兄弟都聽開indie alternative rock,都熱愛本土及西方文化。時間就是金錢就係人都知, 四條友仔夾左一年就出左佢地第一隻EP “Reunion Cycle”, 最近亦其中一首主打以佢地對香港認知作主題拍了一段MV。將來日子佢地將會籌備出第二隻EP同出更多ge show, 請多多支持!

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